Plate Bending with Plate Roll Bending Machines can vary depending on the ambient temperature because metal is a material that is sensitive to temperature changes. Here are some of the effects of ambient temperature on the rolling process of metal sheets:
Expansion and contraction:
Metal tends to expand and contract with temperature changes. While metal expands at high temperatures, it can contract at low temperatures. This can affect the shape of metal sheets during the rolling process. Especially large sized sheets or thin metal sheets may be more susceptible to this effect.
The flexibility of the metal may vary depending on the ambient temperature. Metal sheets can be harder at low temperatures, while at higher temperatures they can become softer. During the rolling process, the flexibility of the sheets can affect the forming process. A soft and pliable metal can take shape more easily, while a harder metal can cause difficulty.
Thermal voltage:
Metal sheets exposed to different temperature zones may be subject to thermal stress. This can cause stress to build up inside the plates and cause shape changes during the rolling process. Thermal stress may be more pronounced, especially in rapid heating or cooling.
For these reasons, it is important to pay attention to the ambient temperature during the rolling process. To achieve optimum results, it is important to process the material considering the temperature-related properties. Especially in sensitive or large-scale projects, it is important to understand the behavior of the metal affected by ambient temperature and treat accordingly.
Note: Plate Roll Bending Machines R&D studies are calculated according to the ambient temperature of 18-21 degrees.